Eating disorders

Eating disorders are complex and potentially life-threatening conditions that affect individuals of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. Effective eating disorder management involves a multidisciplinary approach that includes medical, nutritional, and psychological interventions. Our team can conduct a thorough assessment to determine the appropriate course of treatment for you. Treatment may involve referral to specialized eating […]

Healthy at any weight

Whether you want to improve your relationship with your body, manage a chronic health condition, or live healthier, we can provide the tools and inspiration you need to create lasting change. With a compassionate and empowering approach, our team will help any woman who wants to prioritize her health and well-being, regardless of size or […]


mother and daughter

Is your daughter getting ready for her first period and you want to ensure she has the knowledge and support she needs to navigate this important milestone? Our clinic is here to help. We offer a range of services specifically designed to help women of all ages understand and manage their periods, including education, counseling, […]



Take charge of your sexual health and get yourself tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) today. STIs are more common than you think, and the incidence of infections such as syphilis are on the rise. Early detection and treatment of STIs is key to preventing further health complications and spreading the infection to others. Even […]

Support for new parents struggling with pandemic impacts

Supported playgroups continue to run online during lock down. These weekly online supported playgroups provide an important opportunity for contact and connection for many families, particularly vulnerable or first-time parents of young babies. For more details please click the link below.

Fight for Planet A

We may well be totally consumed by news around COVID19, the world however is quietly recovering beautifully when the oceans start to see school of fishes returning, the great barrier reef has seen some bright new colours and the CO2 level in the air has improved so much that residents in India get to see […]

Hydroxychloroquine – a magic cure or a political bargaining chip?

There has been lots of debates on the internet regarding this topic and it is hard to understand the back and forth debate between two sides. It almost requires a biochemistry degree in order to understand all the mumble jumble behind both side of the evidence. Luckily I do have a Biochemistry degree. Allow me […]

Do I need to go to work?

Here are the industries closing for Melbourne’s stage 4 lockdown: All retail stores will be required to close, except for:-Supermarkets and grocery stores-Bottle shops-Convenience stores and news agencies-Petrol stations-Pharmacies-Post offices-Hardware, building and garden suppliers retailing for trade-Specialist stationery suppliers for business use-Disability, health, mobility device, and equipment retailers-Maternity supply retailers-Motor vehicle parts for emergency repairs, […]

A curfew and stage 4 coronavirus restrictions

Victoria has introduced a curfew and stage 4 coronavirus restrictions for Melbourne, and stage 3 restrictions for regional Victoria. Here’s what that means: Key changes: From 6:00 pm on Sunday, metropolitan Melbourne will come under stage four restrictions. Melburnians will only be allowed to shop for food and necessary supplies within 5 kilometers of their […]

Banksia Medical Centre & researchers from Uni Melbourne invite you to participate in a post viral pilot study.

If you have cold or flu symptoms that have started in the past 3 days and are interested