Step 2 easing restrictions

This morning we announced further easing of coronavirus restrictions.

Our low rate of community transmission means we’re in a good position to get back to more of the things we miss.

I’m sure people will wonder why you can do some things and you still can’t do others.

The truth is we had to make some tough calls here – we can’t take the risk of opening everything all at once.

We’ve said right through this pandemic that our message to Victorians is “stay home”.

Now, as we begin to settle into a new normal – our message is “stay safe”.

Maintain physical distancing. Use common sense.

Because it’s up to all of us to make sure our hard earned gains aren’t thrown away.

Banksia Medical Centre & researchers from Uni Melbourne invite you to participate in a post viral pilot study.

If you have cold or flu symptoms that have started in the past 3 days and are interested